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Transforming Your Vision into Reality


If you say YES to any of these questions, we can help. 

Are you stuck in a cycle that never gets results?

Are grief and loss making it hard to move forward? 

Are you being held hostage by uncertainty, unsure of where to begin?

Are you lacking clarity or confidence in defining and reaching goals?

YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Our coaches specialize in helping our clients gain clarity, build confidence, and increase capacity as they navigate their desired outcomesCreating strategic next steps motivates our clients to achieve goals more quickly with greater precision while producing more sustainable success.

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How We Can
Best Serve You

  • ​Emerging Adults 
  • Empowering Women
  • Family & Parenting 
  • Grief & Loss
  • Health & Wellbeing 
  • Home Based Education
  • Life & Career Planning
  • Organization
  • Time Management
  • Work & Life Balance
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About The Founder

Visioneer Coach

Cheryl Pitcher is the Founder and Director of Visioneer Coaches LLC. She has over 25 years of experience in transforming lives as a Certified Professional Life Coach (CPLC), Group Coach (CGC), and Health Coach (CHC). With a degree in Psychology from Indiana University in addition to her coaching expertise, Cheryl is also the lead Life Coach for the Kentucky Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders (KYCARDS), located in Louisville, KY. In her role at KYCARDS, she collaborates with CBT and anxiety expert, Dr. Kevin Chapman, and his interdisciplinary team of mental health professionals, who also represent a regional clinic of The National Social Anxiety Center (NSAC). Through the years of her personal and professional journey, Cheryl uses her experience and education to come alongside men and women who struggle with a variety of concerns including anxiety, work-life balance, self-care, and overall health and wellbeing. Additionally, Cheryl is passionate about working with young adults who struggle with the stressors associated with emerging adulthood as well as the difficulties that occur as a result of ADHD.

Coaching Connection

If you are ready for change, we are ready to help you grow!


Let us help you succeed


Learn more about our groups and online training

Meet Our Coaches

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Carrie Cooper, CPLC, CGC

Certified Professional Life & Grief Coach

At one time or another, we will find ourselves on a dark journey through grief. Our dreams are shattered, and we can feel hopeless and stuck in confusing emotions. Carrie experienced this in her own life as she faced numerous traumatic losses. She healed from trauma, anxiety and complicated grief through years of recovery, her strong faith in Jesus Christ and the powerful gift of coaching. Carrie specializes in working with overwhelmed, disorganized individuals who have experienced loss, and combines a comprehensive model of life, grief and organizing coaching that impacts every area of life. Her passion is to help others heal from loss, find their way forward and live with a deeper purpose.

Susan Townsend Holt

Board-Certified Family Life Coach and Parent Educator

Susan Townsend Holt is a Board-Certified Family Life Coach and parent educator with a Masters in Education.  She serves on the board of the Family Life Coaching Association and has the additional joy of serving as Director of Family Ministry for her church. Susan’s expertise is teaching social/emotional skills which pulls families and classrooms together, developing character and empathy to help everyone manage “Big Feelings.” She has been working alongside adults, children and teachers for 30 years. 

Leah Ann Richmer, CPLC

Certified Professional Life Coach

Leah Ann has devoted much of her life to Home Education with her eleven children, while also pursuing speaking, writing, and serving in various administrative and leadership positions.  She currently serves as Training and Development Coordinator, and Mindset Coach with Visioneer Coaches, LLC


Drawing on her own personal journey of Faith and Grace, she helps women reawaken hope through the renewing of their mind so they can experience greater fulfillment, freedom, and lasting change. 

Your Vision into Reality

Challenges are common to us all.  Some of those challenges are best navigated with the help of a psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist. However, not all situations require deep level therapy; sometimes we just need the alliance and partnership of a professional life coach to help us discover direction or break through difficult life circumstances. My heart at Visioneer Coaches is to serve those individuals and their families by helping them achieve personal and professional growth and increase overall wellbeing.


As the Founder and Director of Visioneer Coaches, I can personally attest to how powerful the coaching partnership and experience has been at shifting many aspects of my life! Through the positive impact of my own coaching journey and my passion for people, becoming a Professional Life Coach was just a natural overflow of who I am. Watching lives be transformed through coaching over the years, ignited a passion, and mission for me to take my career to the next level and offer transformation to as many lives as I could. This led me to launch Visioneer Coaches and bring my own vision into reality.

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“A Mental Shift is required if we want to go
from fear to faith, from scarcity to abundance,
from being average to being awesome.”

― Malcolm Johansson

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